Wednesday, November 25, 2009

merging both transmedia studios for final presentation

Dear all,

I have a proposal for you: I'd like to combine both studios (monday & tuesday transmedia) into ONE presentation on week 14th:

date: Tuesday, december 8th, room A9

I'd like to make our final presentation open to the public, I'll invite friends and colleagues and you can do so too, I propose an open critique of the work.

Let me know if this works for you so I can start planning.

Thank you & happy thanksgiving


please respond to jaime's post and get in touch with her to get your pictures.
and again, thank you jaime for your kind gesture

Model Pics

Hey Everyone,

I have all of the model pics, they look awesome. The folder is about 5G so I'll have it on a hard drive and you guys can grab it. I'm at school all day tomorrow 8a-7p. My number is 323.317.0109. Feel free to text me if you want to get the photos.



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Great Venodr: Vinyl & prints & other

Davit at Printex Design,

you can inquire about vinyl with him and pay him a visit to see hwat he has in stock
he's great, tell him i refereed him to you

Davit H.
Printex Design
T: 818.956.1400
F: 818.956.1414
1314 W. Glenoaks Blvd. Unit 202
Glendale, CA 91201

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

for week 12: MODEL SHOOT / bring your refined models

Dear all,

we're getting to the nitty gritty of our project, please keep working on your cartalog, poster & invite incorporating this week's feedback.

for next week please bring in / become familiar with the following:

—Bring in a full scale dummy, trimmed to scale (standard for the past weeks)
— Inquire about binding, make sure you have your vendors, prep set up time for files & time allocated for production.
—not least, structure is directly in line with the flow, tone and sequence of how you portray your narrati8ve. Rremember, this catalog is primarily about your work, so that should be the main feature.

— LAYOUT: all content in place, all typologies in place (refer back to handout posted here for what those entail). Of course, actual content (text & image)

—INK & MATERIALS: Bring stock samples (the actual sheet/s you will be using with test prints in actual colour: eg. monotone, full colour etc) Bring material samples for covers & spine (eg, fabrics, plastics and any other( Think of how you can apply graphics to these surfaces (get inventve! fake foil stamps thru vinyls, laser indentations to evoke etching etc)

— logo: revisions as per you last crit. Present this individually on a sheet of paper

—art direction: think of how you want to photograph your space, we will likely have ablack seamless backdrop and a white one (grey also if possible)
Think of camera angles (long, medium shots & close ups-macros) and light (different degrees of visbility, accents, coloured gels etc)

—posters / invite: execute the sketches we discussed, if you don;t have these yet, comp some up for next class.

—INDEXHIBIT: become familiar with this platform, You can look at 'participants' to see what people have done with it) You'll need a host & database server & a domain name.Indexhibit is free and its very easy to use. Look at the tabs to get info on how to download and install.

Thank you!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

from tokyo

hello all

how are things?
hope you had a good session with chesley, for next week please continue working on your catalog and start thinking about your poster and invite. I'd like to see 2 comps for each, sketches.

the posters should have:
- your logo (exhibition name)
_ location: make up a location (site-specific) or chose an existing venue (eg, moca, moma or something smaller)
_ exhibition dates: usually exhibits are open from 2-3 months
— url
— can include a brief text about the exhibit (your artist statement or a variation thereof)

same applies to invite

thank you! gotta run

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

week 10: chesley nassaney

Dear all,

I have confirmed chesley for our next meeting, very happy about his kind acceptance to take over the class while I am away. Please welcome him.

below is what's due for next week and what you will review with him:
in essence: a full rough dummy of your entire book, focusing on structure, flow, typologies, hierachies etc. mapping the main transition points in your narrative (as elucidated by your chapter & narrative structure, and guided by your TOC)

specifics below:

— a thumbnail pagination sequence of the entire book, can be hand drawn on an 11x17 sheet
( i will post an example of this on the blog for reference)
— complete the TOC, outlining each chapter and what content goes in each (text & image) most have this underway
—design a minimum of 4 spreads PER CHAPTER, IN SEQUENCE: this helps to assess the overall flow of the book (its structure, tone & rhythm)
—include all typologies: eg?: body copy, heds, subheds, folios, chapter heds, captions, callouts, quotes etc (see blog for info on what these typologies are per section)

—design a title page, toc, publishing info page (can be opposite the title page or separate)

— all main chapters WITH ACTUAL CONTENT (no placeholders in either text or image / use your research text rather than lorem ipsum & images from your space / artwork)
— 4 spreads minimum per chapter (section)

— index page, bibliography

we want to see a rough draft of the entire book, with main points in place (by points I mean the stages in the book that mark a change in chapter, voice, tone, content)
BRING A FOLDED DUMMY, NO FLAT PRINTOUTS. This is a better way to view & assess how the grid structure & flow works from page to page , section to section
dummies need to be in actual scale, trimmed.