Wednesday, November 25, 2009

merging both transmedia studios for final presentation

Dear all,

I have a proposal for you: I'd like to combine both studios (monday & tuesday transmedia) into ONE presentation on week 14th:

date: Tuesday, december 8th, room A9

I'd like to make our final presentation open to the public, I'll invite friends and colleagues and you can do so too, I propose an open critique of the work.

Let me know if this works for you so I can start planning.

Thank you & happy thanksgiving


  1. Sounds like an awesome idea, I'm all for it.

  2. Will we have time to get through everyone? It barely seems like there is time to make it through a single class in the time frame. Not an opposition, just being the devils advocate.

  3. the final presentation is a final critique, brief and to the point, at this stage the work should speak for itself.
