Wednesday, November 4, 2009

week 10: chesley nassaney

Dear all,

I have confirmed chesley for our next meeting, very happy about his kind acceptance to take over the class while I am away. Please welcome him.

below is what's due for next week and what you will review with him:
in essence: a full rough dummy of your entire book, focusing on structure, flow, typologies, hierachies etc. mapping the main transition points in your narrative (as elucidated by your chapter & narrative structure, and guided by your TOC)

specifics below:

— a thumbnail pagination sequence of the entire book, can be hand drawn on an 11x17 sheet
( i will post an example of this on the blog for reference)
— complete the TOC, outlining each chapter and what content goes in each (text & image) most have this underway
—design a minimum of 4 spreads PER CHAPTER, IN SEQUENCE: this helps to assess the overall flow of the book (its structure, tone & rhythm)
—include all typologies: eg?: body copy, heds, subheds, folios, chapter heds, captions, callouts, quotes etc (see blog for info on what these typologies are per section)

—design a title page, toc, publishing info page (can be opposite the title page or separate)

— all main chapters WITH ACTUAL CONTENT (no placeholders in either text or image / use your research text rather than lorem ipsum & images from your space / artwork)
— 4 spreads minimum per chapter (section)

— index page, bibliography

we want to see a rough draft of the entire book, with main points in place (by points I mean the stages in the book that mark a change in chapter, voice, tone, content)
BRING A FOLDED DUMMY, NO FLAT PRINTOUTS. This is a better way to view & assess how the grid structure & flow works from page to page , section to section
dummies need to be in actual scale, trimmed.

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